''' Home by SFR wrapping class Plain use of your Home by SFR device from a Python 3 library Warning: This is a wrap aroud website, this could stop working without prior notice ''' # TODO: ## Manage cameras ### Get image ### Get video ## Manage logs ## Import/Export cookies authors = ( 'Gilles "Almtesh" Émilien MOREL', ) name = 'pyhomesfr' version = '0.8-20160521' # Settable modes MODE_OFF = 0 MODE_CUSTOM = 1 MODE_ON = 2 # Sensors names PRESENCE_DETECTOR = 'PIR_DETECTOR' MAGNETIC_OPENNING_DETECTOR = 'MAGNETIC' SMOKE_DETECTOR = 'SMOKE' SIREN = 'SIREN' REMOTE_CONTROLER = 'REMOTE' KEYPAD_CONTROLER = 'KEYPAD' PRESENCE_CAMERA_DETECTOR = 'PIR_CAMERA' from urllib import request from http.cookiejar import CookieJar from urllib.parse import urlencode from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from urllib.error import HTTPError from datetime import datetime, timezone def bytes2file (b): ''' Gives a file-like class from a Bytes ''' from io import BytesIO r = BytesIO () r.write (b) r.seek (0) return (r) def bytes2image (b): ''' Gives a Image object from bytes Uses the bytes2file function ''' from PIL import Image f = bytes2file (b) r = Image () r.open (f) return (r) class HomeSFR (): def __init__ (self, username, password, debug = False, autologin = True): ''' Sets the class with username and password The debug parameter defines if the class will write debug messages to stdout, if False, the stdout will never be writen by the class The autologin parameter defines if the class will manage the login by itself, if False, the user must call login () to login and test_login () to check the login ''' self.DEBUG = debug if self.DEBUG: print (name + ' ' + version) print ('Authors:') for i in authors: print (' - ' + i) print ('init with username ' + username) print ('debug = ' + str (debug)) print ('autologin = ' + str (autologin)) self.username = username self.password = password self.autologin = autologin self.cookies = CookieJar () self.opener = request.build_opener (request.HTTPCookieProcessor (self.cookies)) # Specific configuration self.base_url = 'https://home.sfr.fr' # path to login test self.auth_path = '/mysensors' self.auth_ok = '/accueil' # if logged self.auth_post_url = 'https://boutique.home.sfr.fr/authentification' self.auth_referer = 'https://boutique.home.sfr.fr/authentification?back=service' self.auth_user_field = 'email' self.auth_pass_field = 'passwd' self.auth_extra_fields = {'back': 'service', 'token_sso': '', 'error_sso': '', 'SubmitLogin': 'OK'} # Path to sensors and mode self.sensors_list = '/mysensors' self.sensors_label = 'Sensor' self.sensors_label_id = 'id' # Path to list of alerts self.alerts_path = '/listalert' # Path to get and set modes self.mode_get_path = '/mysensors' self.mode_get_label = 'alarm_mode' self.mode_set_path = '/alarmmode' self.mode_set_field = 'action' # Name for GET field self.mode_off = 'OFF' # Value for off self.mode_custom = 'CUSTOM' # Value for custom self.mode_on = 'ON' # Value for on # Cameras # mac=00:0e:8f:c9:59:44&flip=0&led_mode=0&alert_pan=1&rec24=0&da=1&dp=4&name=Salon self.cameras_list = '/homescope/mycams' self.camera_snapshot = '/homescope/snapshot' self.camera_video = '/homescope/flv' self.camera_get_config_path = '/homescope/camsettings' self.camera_set_config_path = '/homescope/camsettings' self.camera_set_config_mac = 'mac' self.camera_set_config_flip = 'flip' self.camera_set_config_leds = 'led_mode' # set to 0 to turn the leds on self.camera_set_config_detectionsensibility = 'dp' # from 1 to 4, def __str__ (self): ''' Shows name, version, defined user and debug state ''' return (name + ' ' + version + '\nUser: ' + self.username + '\nDebug: ' + str (self.DEBUG)) def test_login (self): ''' Tests if the client is logged Return True if it's logged, returns False either ''' try: if self.DEBUG: print ('Testing login') self.opener.open (self.base_url + self.auth_path) except HTTPError: if self.DEBUG: print ('Not connected') return (False) if self.DEBUG: print ('Connected') return (True) def login (self): ''' Logs in the HomeBySFR service Call this function first or exception will be raised Return True if the login was a success, False either ''' self.opener.open (self.auth_referer) data = self.auth_extra_fields data [self.auth_user_field] = self.username data [self.auth_pass_field] = self.password data = bytes (urlencode (data), 'UTF8') if self.DEBUG: print ('Cookies ' + str( len(self.cookies))) print ('Sending data ' + str (data)) a = self.opener.open (self.auth_post_url, data = data) if self.DEBUG: print ('Auth redirected to ' + a.geturl ()) return (a.geturl () == self.base_url + self.auth_ok) def set_mode (self, mode): ''' Sets the detection mode For the current version, use the MODE_OFF, MODE_ON and MODE_CUSTOM constants and always returns True, but raises an exception if a problem happens ''' if (self.autologin and self.test_login () == False): self.login () if mode == MODE_OFF: m = self.mode_off elif mode == MODE_CUSTOM: m = self.mode_custom elif mode == MODE_ON: m = self.mode_on else: if self.DEBUG: print ('You should use the MODE_OFF, MODE_ON and MODE_CUSTOM constants to set this.') raise ValueError r = self.base_url + self.mode_set_path + '?' + self.mode_set_field + '=' + m if self.DEBUG: print ('Will get ' + r) self.opener.open (r) return (True) def get_mode (self): ''' Gets the detection mode Returns one of MODE_OFF, MODE_ON and MODE_CUSTOM constants, or None if something went wrong ''' if (self.autologin and self.test_login () == False): self.login () r = self.base_url + self.mode_get_path if self.DEBUG: print ('Getting ' + r) a = bytes2file (self.opener.open (r).readall ()) b = ET.parse (a).getroot () c = b.get (self.mode_get_label) if self.DEBUG: print ('Got mode ' + c) if (c == self.mode_off): return (MODE_OFF) if (c == self.mode_custom): return (MODE_CUSTOM) if (c == self.mode_on): return (MODE_ON) return (None) def list_sensors (self): ''' Returns a list of sensors' ids. ''' if (self.autologin and self.test_login () == False): self.login () r = self.base_url + self.sensors_list a = bytes2file (self.opener.open (r).readall ()) b = ET.parse (a) r = [] for i in b.findall (self.sensors_label): r.append (i.get (self.sensors_label_id)) return (list (r)) def get_sensor (self, id): ''' Returns a dict of all variables for the sensor id or None if sensor is not found The available ids can be got from the list_sensors method ''' def build_tree (element): r = {} if self.DEBUG: print ('Diving in the element ' + element.tag) for i in element.getchildren (): if i.getchildren () == []: r.update ({i.tag: i.text}) else: r.update ({i.tag: build_tree (i)}) return (r) if (self.autologin and self.test_login () == False): self.login () r = self.base_url + self.sensors_list a = bytes2file (self.opener.open (r).readall ()) b = ET.parse (a) r = None for i in b.findall (self.sensors_label): if self.DEBUG: print ('Testing sensors ' + i.get (self.sensors_label_id)) if (i.get (self.sensors_label_id) == id): r = build_tree (i) break return (Sensor (r)) def get_all_sensors (self): ''' Returns a tuple of dicts as described in the get_sensor method ''' r = [] for i in self.list_sensors (): r.append (self.get_sensor (i)) return (list (r)) class Sensor: ''' Class used to read easily the sensors ''' def __init__ (self, sensor_dict): ''' Initialize the class with the dict producted by HomeSFR.get_sensors () ''' self.sensor_dict = sensor_dict # Field names self.type_field = 'deviceType' self.model_field = 'deviceModel' self.version_field = 'deviceVersion' self.name_field = 'name' self.longname_field = 'long_name' self.namegender_field = 'name_gender' # Only usefull for French for the moment self.batterylevel_field = 'batteryLevel' self.signal_field = 'signalLevel' self.lasttrigger_field = 'lastTriggerTime' self.lasttrigger_dateformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' self.status_field = 'status' self.status_value_ok = 'OK' # I don't have any other value for the moment def get_raw (self): ''' Returns the raw dict, as presented in the original XML file ''' return (self.sensor_dict) def get_type (self): ''' Returns the sensor's type ''' return (self.sensor_dict [self.type_field]) def get_model (self): ''' Returns the sensor's model, if any, None either ''' return (self.sensor_dict [self.model_field]) def get_version (self): ''' Returns the sensor's version ''' return (self.sensor_dict [self.version_field]) def get_name (self): ''' Returns the sensor's name ''' return (self.sensor_dict [self.name_field]) def get_longname (self): ''' Returns the sensor's type name in system's language and the sensor's name ''' return (self.sensor_dict [self.longname_field]) def get_namegender (self): ''' Return M for male and F for female. Only usefull for languages with gender on nouns ''' return (self.sensor_dict [self.namegender_field]) def get_batterylevel (self): ''' Returns the sensor's battery level, out of 10 It seems that batteryless sensors return 255 ''' return (int (self.sensor_dict [self.batterylevel_field])) def get_signal (self): ''' Returns the sensor's signal quality, out of 10 ''' return (int (self.sensor_dict [self.signal_field])) def get_lasttrigger (self): ''' Return the timestamp of the sensor's last triger The sensors always trigger, even when the alarm's mode is off ''' a = self.sensor_dict [self.lasttrigger_field] b = datetime.strptime (a, self.lasttrigger_dateformat) r = int (b.timestamp ()) return (r) def get_status (self): ''' Returns True is the sensor is OK, False either ''' return (self.sensor_dict [self.status_field] == self.status_value_ok)