V³ stations

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Sasha MOREL 2017-11-19 16:39:25 +01:00
parent 265204e6b6
commit 43a526b001
1 changed files with 112 additions and 0 deletions

vcub.py Normal file
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Provides all info about stations
from libs import get_data_from_json
from time import time
vcub_url = 'http://plandynamique.infotbm.com/api/vcub'
class Vcub ():
Gather stations informations
data format as returned by infotbm:
FeatureCollection: {
gml:featureMember: [
bm:CI_VCUB_P: {
bm:ETAT: str, # CONNECTEE if on, DECONNECTEE either
bm:TYPE: str, # VLS+ for V³+ and VLS for regular V³ station
gml:boundedBy: dict,
gml:id: str,
bm:NBPLACES: int, # empty spaces
bm:GID: int,
bm:NBVELOS: int, # available bikes
bm:HEURE: str,
bm:IDENT: int, # id as written on the station
bm:geometry: dict,
bm:NOM: str, # HR name
... # the rest is quite useless internal data
def __init__ (self, autoupdate_at_creation = True, autoupdate = False, autoupdate_delay = -1):
self.lastupdate = 0
self.data = None
if autoupdate_at_creation:
self.update ()
def update (self, auto = False):
Updates data
auto optionnal param is to set if a update is a automatic one, and must be performed as defined in autoupdate_delay variable
d = get_data_from_json (vcub_url)
# the original format is awfull, so I change it a little
if d != False:
self.data = {}
d = d ['FeatureCollection']['gml:featureMember']
for i in d:
j = i ['bm:CI_VCUB_P']
l = j ['bm:geometry'] ['gml:Point'] ['gml:pos'].split (' ')
e = {
'name': j ['bm:NOM'],
'online': j ['bm:ETAT'] == 'CONNECTEE',
'plus': j['bm:TYPE'] == 'VLS+',
'empty': int (j ['bm:NBPLACES']),
'bikes': int (j ['bm:NBVELOS']),
'location': (float (l [0]), float (l [1]))
self.data [int (j ['bm:IDENT'])] = e
self.lastupdate = time ()
def get_names (self):
Returns all names in a dict with id as data
r = {}
for i in self.data:
r [self.data [i] ['name']] = i
return (r)
def get_locations (self):
Returns all locations in a dict with id as data
r = {}
for i in self.data:
r [self.data [i] ['location']] = i
return (r)
def get_by_id (self, id):
Returns a station by its id
class Station ():
A station
def __init__ (self, data, id):
self.data = data
self.id = id
self.name = self.data ['name']
self.location = self.data ['location']
self.online = self.data ['online']
self.isplus = self.data ['plus']
self.bikes = self.data ['bikes']
self.empty = self.data ['empty']
def __int__ (self):
return (self.id)
return (Station (self.data [id], id))
if __name__ == '__main__':
v = Vcub ()
for i in (v.get_by_id (149), v.get_by_id (v.get_names ()['Buttiniere']), v.get_by_id (v.get_locations () [(44.8875, -0.51763)])):
print ('%s (%d) (%f, %f)%s%s\n\tbikes: %d\n\tfree: %d\n\t' % (i.name, i, i.location [0], i.location [1], i.isplus and ' (VCUB+)' or '', i.online and ' ' or ' OFFLINE', i.bikes, i.empty))