
28 lines
1011 B

# -*- shell-script -*-
# Zsh Options
export LISTPROMPT # in order to scroll if completion list is too big
setopt auto_cd # a commande like % /usr/local is equivalent to cd /usr/local
setopt nohup # don't send HUP signal when closing term session
setopt extended_glob # in order to use #, ~ and ^ for filename generation
setopt always_to_end # move to cursor to the end after completion
setopt notify # report the status of backgrounds jobs immediately
setopt correct # try to correct the spelling if possible
setopt rmstarwait # wait 10 seconds before querying for a rm which contains a *
setopt auto_pushd # Always push directory in stack
setopt pushdminus # Invert the behavior of cd -<tab> cd +<tab>
setopt histverify # Verify history expansion
export DIRSTACKSIZE=20 # Number of directory to keep in the stack
# Don't erase file with >, use >| (overwrite) or >> (append) instead
set -C
# Watch new users