Validation initiale

This commit is contained in:
Sasha MOREL 2018-02-20 17:12:45 +01:00
commit 870ecaac23
13 changed files with 545 additions and 0 deletions

LICENSE Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.

11 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Il s'agit d'un moniteur instantanné.
# Puis-je l'utiliser ?
Tout à fait, la [licence](LICENSE) permet tout à fait une utilisation en toute occasion.
# Comment l'utiliser ?
Il faut installer les bibliothèques curses et psutil pour Python3, ainsi que le démon hddtemp qui doit écouter sur le port 7634.

42 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from curses import wrapper as start, init_pair as set_pair, color_pair as get_pair, COLOR_BLACK as black, COLOR_RED as red, COLOR_GREEN as green, COLOR_WHITE as white, COLOR_BLUE as blue, COLOR_YELLOW as yellow
# C'est pour importer des modules du repertoire courant
from os.path import dirname
from sys import path as pythonpath
pythonpath.insert (0, dirname (__file__))
from utils import groupbythree, seconds_to_time, sleep_to_next_second
from modules import title, uptime, loadavg, ram, network, sensors, hddtemp, df, dnsmasq_bounds, user
modules = (title, uptime, loadavg, ram, network, sensors, hddtemp, df, dnsmasq_bounds, user)
def Main (screen):
old_line = 0
screen.clear ()
set_pair (1, white, black)
set_pair (2, blue, black)
set_pair (3, green, black)
set_pair (4, red, black)
set_pair (5, yellow, black)
while True:
line = 0
height, width = screen.getmaxyx ()
for i in range (0, old_line + 1):
for j in range (0, width - 1):
screen.addstr (i, j, ' ', get_pair (1))
for i in modules:
line = i.main (line, screen)
line += 1
screen.refresh ()
old_line = line
sleep_to_next_second ()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
start (Main)
print ('Quit')

modules/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from curses import color_pair as get_pair
mountpoints = (
# C'est pour importer des modules du repertoire parent
from os.path import dirname
from sys import path as pythonpath
pythonpath.insert (0, dirname (dirname (__file__)))
from utils import bytes_human
def diskfree (path):
from os import statvfs
fs = statvfs (path)
def total ():
return (int (fs.f_blocks*fs.f_bsize))
def percent ():
return (int ((fs.f_blocks - fs.f_bfree)/(fs.f_blocks*0.01)))
def used ():
return (int ((fs.f_blocks - fs.f_bfree)*fs.f_bsize))
def free ():
return (int (fs.f_bavail * fs.f_frsize))
return [path, total (), used (), free (), percent ()]
def main (line, screen):
screen.addstr (line, 0, '-->', get_pair (5))
screen.addstr (line, 3, 'Espace disque :', get_pair (1))
line += 1
data = []
for i in mountpoints:
data.append (diskfree (i))
for i in data:
table.append ((i[0], bytes_human (i [1]), bytes_human (i[2]), bytes_human (i[3]), i [4]))
max_lengths = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in table:
length = len (i [0])
if length > max_lengths [0]:
max_lengths [0] = length
length = len (i [1])
if length > max_lengths [1]:
max_lengths [1] = length
length = len (i [2])
if length > max_lengths [2]:
max_lengths [2] = length
length = len (i [3])
if length > max_lengths [3]:
max_lengths [3] = length
length = len (str (i [4]) + '%')
if length > max_lengths [4]:
max_lengths [4] = length
for i in table:
x = 0
f = '%-' + str (max_lengths [0]) + 's:'
screen.addstr (line, x, f%(i [0]), get_pair (2))
x += max_lengths [0] + 2
f = '%' + str (max_lengths [1]) + 's'
screen.addstr (line, x, f%((i[1])), get_pair (3))
x += max_lengths [1] + 3
f = '%' + str (max_lengths [2]) + 's'
screen.addstr (line, x, f%((i[2])), get_pair (3))
x += max_lengths [2] + 3
f = '%' + str (max_lengths [3]) + 's'
screen.addstr (line, x, f%((i[3])), get_pair (3))
x += max_lengths [3] + 3
f = '%' + str (max_lengths [4]) + 's'
if i[4] < 90:
screen.addstr (line, x, f%((i[4])), get_pair (3))
screen.addstr (line, x, f%((i[4])), get_pair (4))
screen.addstr (line, x + max_lengths [4] + 1, '%', get_pair (1))
x += max_lengths [4] + 5
line += 1
return (line)

modules/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from curses import color_pair as get_pair
border = '|'
critical_bounds = 60
bound_file = '/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases'
# C'est pour importer des modules du repertoire parent
from os.path import dirname
from sys import path as pythonpath
pythonpath.insert (0, dirname (dirname (__file__)))
from utils import seconds_to_time
def dnsmasq_dhcpbounds ():
Return a tuple of the active leases and the remaining time in second
tuple format for each bound :
(remaining_time, mac, ip, hostname)
from csv import reader
from socket import inet_aton
from time import time
bounds1 = []
for i in reader (open (bound_file), delimiter = ' '):
if i [0] != 'duid':
bounds1.append (i)
bounds2 = []
for i in sorted (bounds1, key=lambda item: inet_aton(item[2])):
remain = int (i [0]) - int (time ())
bounds2.append ((remain, i[1], i[2], i[3]))
return bounds2
def main (line, screen):
screen.addstr (line, 0, '-->', get_pair (5))
screen.addstr (line, 3, 'Baux DHCP', get_pair (1))
line += 1
bounds = dnsmasq_dhcpbounds ()
max_lengths = [0, 0, 0, 0]
border_length = len (border)
for i in bounds:
length = len (seconds_to_time (i [0]))
if length > max_lengths [0]:
max_lengths [0] = length
length = len (i [1])
if length > max_lengths [1]:
max_lengths [1] = length
length = len (i [2])
if length > max_lengths [2]:
max_lengths [2] = length
length = len (i [3])
if length > max_lengths [3]:
max_lengths [3] = length
for i in bounds:
if i [0] < critical_bounds:
screen.addstr (line, x, seconds_to_time (i [0]), get_pair (4))
screen.addstr (line, x, seconds_to_time (i [0]), get_pair (3))
x += max_lengths [0] + 1
screen.addstr (line, x, '|', get_pair (1))
x += border_length + 1
screen.addstr (line, x, i [1], get_pair (2))
x += max_lengths [1] + 1
screen.addstr (line, x, '|', get_pair (1))
x += border_length + 1
screen.addstr (line, x, i [2], get_pair (2))
x += max_lengths [2] + 1
screen.addstr (line, x, '|', get_pair (1))
x += border_length + 1
screen.addstr (line, x, i [3], get_pair (2))
x += max_lengths [3] + 1
line += 1
return (line)

modules/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from curses import color_pair as get_pair
hddtemp_addressport = ('localhost',7634)
def hddtemp ():
Return an tuple of disks formated like (name, temp) where name is a string and temp a integer
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
from re import sub
data = []
tries = 0
while True:
tries += 1
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
d = s.recv(4096)
data = d.decode ('utf-8').split('|')
if d != b'|':
temps = []
index = 0
while True:
index += 1
name = sub ('/dev/', '', data [index])
index += 2
temp = int (data [index])
index +=2
temps.append ((name, temp))
except IndexError:
return (temps)
def main (line, screen):
screen.addstr (line, 0, '-->', get_pair (5))
screen.addstr (line, 3, 'Températures stockage :', get_pair (1))
line += 1
data = hddtemp ()
x = 0
for i in data:
screen.addstr (line, x, i [0] + ':', get_pair (2))
x += len (i [0]) + 2
if i [1] < 45:
screen.addstr (line, x, str (i [1]), get_pair (3))
screen.addstr (line, x, str (i [1]), get_pair (4))
x += 2
screen.addstr (line, x, '°C', get_pair (1))
x += 4
line += 1
return (line)

modules/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from curses import color_pair as get_pair
def loadavg (sep=', '):
Returns average load formated separated by sep
from os import getloadavg as loadavg
load = loadavg ()
return ('%.2f'%load [0] + sep + '%.2f'%load [1] + sep + '%.2f'%load [2])
def main (line, screen):
screen.addstr (line, 0, '-->', get_pair (5))
screen.addstr (line, 3, 'Charges moyennes (1, 5, 15 minutes) :', get_pair (1))
screen.addstr (line, 41, loadavg (), get_pair (2))
line += 1
return (line)

modules/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from curses import color_pair as get_pair
network_interfaces = ('eth0',)
# C'est pour importer des modules du repertoire parent
from os.path import dirname
from sys import path as pythonpath
pythonpath.insert (0, dirname (dirname (__file__)))
from utils import groupbythree
def netdevs(iface):
RX and TX statistics for the iface network interface
from collections import namedtuple
with open('/proc/net/dev') as f:
net_dump = f.readlines()
data = namedtuple('data',['rx','tx'])
for line in net_dump[2:]:
line = line.split(':')
device_data[line[0].strip()] = data(int (line[1].split()[0]), int (line[1].split()[8]))
return (device_data [iface].rx, device_data [iface].tx)
def main (line, screen):
for i in ifaces:
i [2] = i [1]
i [1] = netdevs (i [0])
screen.addstr (line, 0, '-->', get_pair (5))
screen.addstr (line, 3, 'Réseau :', get_pair (1))
line += 1
table = []
for i in ifaces:
table.append ((i [0], groupbythree (i[1][0]), groupbythree (i[1][1]), groupbythree (i[1][0] - i[2][0]), groupbythree (i[1][1] - i[2][1])))
max_lengths = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in table:
length = len (i [0])
if length > max_lengths [0]:
max_lengths [0] = length
length = len (i [1])
if length > max_lengths [1]:
max_lengths [1] = length
length = len (i [2])
if length > max_lengths [2]:
max_lengths [2] = length
length = len (i [3])
if length > max_lengths [3]:
max_lengths [3] = length
length = len (i [4])
if length > max_lengths [4]:
max_lengths [4] = length
for i in table:
x = 0
f = '%-' + str (max_lengths [0]) + 's:'
screen.addstr (line, x, f%(i [0]), get_pair (2))
x += max_lengths [0] + 2
screen.addstr (line, x, '', get_pair (1))
f = '%' + str (max_lengths [1]) + 's'
screen.addstr (line, x + 2, f%((i[1])), get_pair (3))
screen.addstr (line, x + 3 + max_lengths [1], 'o', get_pair (1))
x += max_lengths [1] + 5
screen.addstr (line, x,'', get_pair (1))
f = '%' + str (max_lengths [2]) + 's'
screen.addstr (line, x + 2, f%((i[2])), get_pair (3))
screen.addstr (line, x + 3 + max_lengths [2], 'o', get_pair (1))
x += max_lengths [2] + 5
screen.addstr (line, x, '', get_pair (1))
f = '%' + str (max_lengths [3]) + 's'
screen.addstr (line, x + 2, f%((i[3])), get_pair (3))
screen.addstr (line, x + 3 + max_lengths [3], 'o/s', get_pair (1))
x += max_lengths [3] + 7
screen.addstr (line, x, '', get_pair (1))
f = '%' + str (max_lengths [4]) + 's'
screen.addstr (line, x + 2, f%((i[4])), get_pair (3))
screen.addstr (line, x + 3 + max_lengths [4], 'o/s', get_pair (1))
x += max_lengths [4] + 7
line += 1
return (line)
ifaces = []
for i in network_interfaces:
ifaces.append ([i, (0,0), (0,0)])

modules/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from curses import color_pair as get_pair
def sensors_value (sensor):
Returns the float value given by the sensor
To get the sensor's name, start the sensors executable
Warning, this function matches the first sensor named like that, hope that the good one
from os import popen
from re import findall
sensors = popen ('sensors')
data = ''
for i in sensors:
data += i
sensors_line = findall (sensor + '.*', data) [0]
value = findall ('[0-9][0-9\.]+', sensors_line) [0]
#value = findall ('[0-9]*', findall (':[ +]*[0-9]*', sensors_line) [0]) [0]
return (float (value))
def main (line, screen):
screen.addstr (line, 0, '-->', get_pair (5))
screen.addstr (line, 3, 'Températures carte mère :', get_pair (1))
line += 1
cpu = sensors_value ('CPU Temperature')
cpu_fan = sensors_value ('CPU FAN Speed')
mb = sensors_value ('MB Temperature')
power = sensors_value ('POWER FAN Speed')
screen.addstr (line, 0, 'CPU:', get_pair (2))
if cpu < 60:
screen.addstr (line, 5, '%2.0f'%cpu, get_pair (3))
screen.addstr (line, 5, '%2.0f'%cpu, get_pair (4))
screen.addstr (line, 8, '°C', get_pair (1))
screen.addstr (line, 12, 'MB:', get_pair (2))
if mb < 45:
screen.addstr (line, 16, '%2.0f'%mb, get_pair (3))
screen.addstr (line, 16, '%2.0f'%mb, get_pair (4))
screen.addstr (line, 19, '°C', get_pair (1))
screen.addstr (line, 23, 'CPU fan:', get_pair (2))
if cpu_fan < 7200 and cpu_fan > 800:
screen.addstr (line, 32, '%4.0f'%cpu_fan, get_pair (3))
screen.addstr (line, 32, '%4.0f'%cpu_fan, get_pair (4))
screen.addstr (line, 37, 'RPM', get_pair (1))
screen.addstr (line, 41, 'POWER fan:', get_pair (2))
if power < 7200 and power > 1800:
screen.addstr (line, 52, '%4.0f'%power, get_pair (3))
screen.addstr (line, 52, '%4.0f'%power, get_pair (4))
screen.addstr (line, 57, 'RPM', get_pair (1))
line += 1
return (line)

modules/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from curses import color_pair as get_pair
def main (line, screen):
from socket import gethostname as hostname
from time import strftime
from locale import setlocale, LC_ALL
setlocale (LC_ALL, 'fr_FR.UTF-8')
screen.addstr (line, 0, hostname () + ': ' + strftime ('%A %d %B %Y %T'), get_pair (1))
line += 1
return (line)

modules/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from curses import color_pair as get_pair
# C'est pour importer des modules du repertoire parent
from os.path import dirname
from sys import path as pythonpath
pythonpath.insert (0, dirname (dirname (__file__)))
from utils import seconds_to_time
def uptime ():
Returns formated uptime
return seconds_to_time (round (float (open ('/proc/uptime').readline ().split ()[0])))
def main (line, screen):
screen.addstr (line, 0, '-->', get_pair (5))
screen.addstr (line, 3, 'Durée de fonctionnement :', get_pair (1))
screen.addstr (line, 29, uptime (), get_pair (2))
line += 1
return (line)

modules/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from curses import color_pair as get_pair
def main (line, screen):
from os import popen
screen.addstr (line, 0, '-->', get_pair (5))
screen.addstr (line, 3, 'Utilisateurs', get_pair (1))
line += 1
w = popen ('w')
users = []
for i in w:
users.append (i)
for i in range (1, len (users)):
screen.addstr (line, 0, users [i], get_pair (1))
line += 1
return (line)

41 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def groupbythree (integer, sep = ' '):
Group integer by three figures
Optionnal sep parameter is to define the char to put between groups and is space by default
from re import sub
return (sub (',', sep, '{:,}'.format (integer)))
def seconds_to_time (time):
Converts a number of second time to formated time
def leading_zero (value):
return "%02d" % (value,)
days = int (time/86400)
hours = int ((time/3600) - (24*days))
minutes = int ((time/60) - (1440*days) - (60*hours))
seconds = int (time - (86400*days) - (3600*hours) - (60*minutes))
if days == 0:
if hours == 0:
if minutes == 0:
return (str (leading_zero (seconds)) + 's')
return (str (leading_zero (minutes)) + 'm ' + str (leading_zero (seconds)) + 's')
return (str (leading_zero (hours)) + 'h ' + str (leading_zero (minutes)) + 'm ' + str (leading_zero (seconds)) + 's')
return (str (days) + "j " + str (leading_zero (hours)) + 'h ' + str (leading_zero (minutes)) + 'm ' + str (leading_zero (seconds)) + 's')
def sleep_to_next_second ():
from time import sleep, time
sleep (1-(time ()-int (time())))
def bytes_human (num):
for x in ['B','KiB','MiB','GiB','TiB']:
if num < 1024.0:
return "%3.1f %s" % (num, x)
num /= 1024.0