Code splitting for specific usages

Also add a script to update a file containing SMSdb.
This commit is contained in:
Sasha MOREL 2021-12-14 07:44:26 +01:00
parent 076610caf6
commit 87ffd22d35
3 changed files with 457 additions and 422 deletions

412 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
from subprocess import Popen, DEVNULL, PIPE
from json import loads as read_json
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, ThreadingHTTPServer as http4_server_do_not_use
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
from socket import AF_INET6
from cgi import FieldStorage
from os import kill, getpid
from sms import SMS_Service
contacts_list_program = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/termux-contact-list'
class HTTPServer (http4_server_do_not_use):
This block is just to have a IPv6 web server
This is not IPv6 only, the server also accepts IPv4 clients
address_family = AF_INET6
def html_header (title = 'No title'):
return ('<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>' + title + '</title>\n' + '''\t<style>
body {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 100%;
padding: 0 20px;
.message {
border: 2px solid #dedede;
background-color: #f1f1f1;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px 0;
.darker {
border-color: #ccc;
background-color: #ddd;
.message::after {
content: "";
clear: both;
display: table;
.message img {
float: left;
max-width: 60px;
width: 100%;
margin-right: 20px;
border-radius: 50%;
.message img.right {
float: right;
margin-left: 20px;
.time-right {
float: right;
color: #aaa;
.time-left {
float: left;
color: #999;
</style>''' + '<head>\n<body>')
def html_title (text):
return ('\n\t<h1>' + text + '</h1>')
def html_iframe (src, height = '150', width = '300', name = None, style = 'border:none;'):
r = '<iframe src="' + src + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" style="' + style + '"'
if name is not None:
r += ' name="' + name + '"'
r += '></iframe>'
return (r)
def html_paragraph (text):
return ('\n\t<p>' + text + '</p>')
def html_list (lst):
t = '\n\t<ul>'
for line in lst:
t += '\n\t\t<li>' + line + '</li>'
t += '\n\t</ul>'
return (t)
def html_link (url, text = None, target = '_self'):
if text is None:
text = url
return ('<a href="' + url + '" target="' + target + '">' + text + '</a>')
def html_table (body, table_style = None, cell_style = None):
t = '\n\t<table' + ((' style="' + table_style + '"') if table_style is not None else '') + '>'
for line in body:
t += '\n\t\t<tr>'
for cell in line:
t += '\n\t\t\t<td' + ((' style="' + cell_style + '"') if cell_style is not None else '') + '>' + cell + '</td>'
t += '\n\t\t</tr>'
t += '\n\t</table>'
return (t)
def html_message (msg, sent, time, name, avatar = None):
r = '\n\t<div class="message'
if sent:
r += ' darker'
r += '">\n\t\t<img src="' + str (avatar) + '" alt="' + name + '"'
if sent:
r += ' class="right"'
r += 'style"width:100%;">\n\t\t<p>' + msg.replace ('\n', '<br />') + '</p>\n\t\t<spam class="time-'
if sent:
r += 'left'
r += 'right'
r += '">' + time + '</span>\n\t</div>'
return (r)
def html_form (body, url, post = True):
return ('\n\t<form action="' + url + '"' + (' method="post"' if post else '') + '>' + body + '\n\t</form>')
def html_form_text (id, value = '', textarea = False):
if textarea:
return ('\n\t<textarea name="' + id + '" rows="8" cols="100">' + value + '</textarea>')
return ('\n\t<input type="text" name="' + id + '" value="' + value + '" />')
def html_form_hidden (id, value):
return ('\n\t<input type="hidden" name="' + id + '" value="' + value + '" />')
def html_form_submit (label):
return ('\n\t<input type="submit" value="' + label + '" />')
def html_footer ():
return ('\n</body>\n</html>')
def contact_list ():
p = Popen (
[contacts_list_program, ],
stdin = DEVNULL,
stdout = PIPE
return (read_json (p.communicate () [0]))
class Web_Service (BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET (self):
global locked_client
client = self.client_address [0]
if locked_client is None:
locked_client = client
print ('Locking on ' + str (client) + '')
if locked_client == client:
global sms
if self.path == '/':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Termux WebSMS') +
html_iframe ('/list', height = '100%', width = '30%', name = 'list') + html_iframe ('about:blank', height = '100%', width = '70%', name = 'thread') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path == '/up.svg':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
'<svg xmlns="" width="128" height="128">\n' +
'\t<g>\n' +
'\t\t<path\n' +
'\t\t\tstyle="fill:#000000;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.264583"\n' +
'\t\t\td="M 42,128 86,128 86,64 128,64 64,0 0,64 42,64 Z"\n' +
'\t\t/>\n' +
'\t</g>\n' +
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path == '/down.svg':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
'<svg xmlns="" width="128" height="128">\n' +
'\t<g>\n' +
'\t\t<path\n' +
'\t\t\tstyle="fill:#000000;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.264583"\n' +
'\t\t\td="M 42,0 86,0 86,64 128,64 64,128 0,64 42,64 Z"\n' +
'\t\t/>\n' +
'\t</g>\n' +
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path == '/list':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.send_header ('Refresh', '20')
self.end_headers ()
ls = sms.thread_list ()
lst = []
for i in sorted (ls, key = lambda item: ls [item] [1], reverse = True):
s = ls [i] [0] + ' (' + str (ls [i] [3]) + ')'
if len (ls [i]) == 5:
s = ls [i] [4] + ' (' + str (ls [i] [3]) + ')'
lst.append (html_link ('/?thread=' + str (i), text = s, target = 'thread'))
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Conversations list') +
html_title ('Conversation') +
html_paragraph (html_link ('/new', text = 'New conversation', target = 'thread')) +
html_paragraph (html_link ('/list', text = 'Refresh list')) +
html_paragraph ('List of conversations follows:') +
html_list (lst) +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path == '/new':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
ls = contact_list ()
lst = []
for i in sorted (ls, key = lambda item: item ['name']):
lst.append (html_link ('/new?num=' + quote (i ['number']), text = i ['name'] + ' (' + i ['number'] + ')'))
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'New conversation') +
html_title ('Create a new conversation') +
html_paragraph ('Put number here:') +
html_form (
html_form_text ('num') +
html_form_submit ('Validate'),
post = False
) +
html_paragraph ('List of contacts follows:') +
html_list (lst) +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path [0:9] == '/new?num=':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
number = self.path [9:]
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'New conversation') +
html_paragraph (html_link ('/new', text = '← Back to new message')) +
html_title ('Create a new conversation with ' + unquote (number)) +
html_paragraph ('Message:') +
html_form (
html_form_text ('msg', textarea = True) +
html_form_hidden ('number', unquote (number)) +
html_form_submit ('Send'),
) +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path [0:9] == '/?thread=':
id = self.path [9:]
number, name, conv = sms.get_thread (id)
if number is None:
raise (IndexError)
except (ValueError, IndexError):
self.send_response (404)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Page not found') +
html_title ('Not found') +
html_paragraph ('This page does not exist. You cas return to the ' + html_link ('/', text = 'home') + '.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
return ()
if name is None:
name = number
name = name + ' (' + number + ')'
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Conversation with ' + name) +
html_title (name) +
html_form (
html_form_text ('msg', textarea = True) +
html_form_hidden ('number', number) +
html_form_submit ('Send'),
) +
html_iframe ('/messages?thread=' + str (id), height = '80%', width = '100%', name = 'messages') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path [0:17] == '/messages?thread=':
id = self.path [17:]
number, name, conv = sms.get_thread (id)
if number is None:
raise (IndexError)
except (ValueError, IndexError):
self.send_response (404)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Page not found') +
html_title ('Not found') +
html_paragraph ('This page does not exist. You cas return to the ' + html_link ('/', text = 'home') + '.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
return ()
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.send_header ('Refresh', '10')
self.end_headers ()
msgs = ''
for i in sorted (conv, key = lambda item: item [0], reverse = True) [0:2000]:
msgs += html_message (i [2], not i [1], i [0], '' if i [1] else '', avatar = 'down.svg' if i [1] else 'up.svg')
if name is None:
name = number
name = name + ' (' + number + ')'
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Conversation with ' + name) +
html_link (self.path, text = 'Refresh') +
msgs +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
self.send_response (404)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Page not found') +
html_title ('Not found') +
html_paragraph ('This page does not exist. You cas return to the ' + html_link ('/', text = 'home') + '.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
self.send_response (403)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Access denied') +
html_title ('Access denied') +
html_paragraph ('Access have allready been granted to another host.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
def do_POST (self):
global locked_client
client = self.client_address [0]
if locked_client is None:
locked_client = client
print ('Locking on ' + str (client) + '')
if locked_client == client:
global sms
if self.path == '/send':
post_data = FieldStorage (fp = self.rfile, headers = self.headers, environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST'})
sms.send_sms (post_data.getvalue ('number'), post_data.getvalue ('msg'))
self.send_response (301)
self.send_header ('Location', self.headers.get ('Referer'))
self.end_headers ()
self.send_response (404)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Page not found') +
html_title ('Not found') +
html_paragraph ('This page does not exist. You cas return to the ' + html_link ('/', text = 'home') + '.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
self.send_response (403)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Access denied') +
html_title ('Access denied') +
html_paragraph ('Access have allready been granted to another host.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
sms = SMS_Service ()
server = HTTPServer (('::', 8080), Web_Service)
locked_client = None
print ('Started!')
sms.start ()
server.serve_forever ()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ('Interrupt received, closing process…')
server.server_close ()
# BUG: the program must kill itself to end or the user must send Ctrl+C several time to close
# TODO: find another way to close the program in one action, suicide is never the solution
kill (getpid (), 15)

448 Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -2,167 +2,23 @@
from subprocess import Popen, DEVNULL, PIPE
from json import loads as read_json
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, ThreadingHTTPServer as http4_server_do_not_use
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
from socket import AF_INET6
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from cgi import FieldStorage
from os import kill, getpid
sms_list_program = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/termux-sms-list'
sms_send_program = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/termux-sms-send'
contacts_list_program = '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/termux-contact-list'
class HTTPServer (http4_server_do_not_use):
This block is just to have a IPv6 web server
This is not IPv6 only, the server also accepts IPv4 clients
address_family = AF_INET6
def html_header (title = 'No title'):
return ('<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>' + title + '</title>\n' + '''\t<style>
body {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 100%;
padding: 0 20px;
.message {
border: 2px solid #dedede;
background-color: #f1f1f1;
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 10px;
margin: 10px 0;
.darker {
border-color: #ccc;
background-color: #ddd;
.message::after {
content: "";
clear: both;
display: table;
.message img {
float: left;
max-width: 60px;
width: 100%;
margin-right: 20px;
border-radius: 50%;
.message img.right {
float: right;
margin-left: 20px;
.time-right {
float: right;
color: #aaa;
.time-left {
float: left;
color: #999;
</style>''' + '<head>\n<body>')
def html_title (text):
return ('\n\t<h1>' + text + '</h1>')
def html_iframe (src, height = '150', width = '300', name = None, style = 'border:none;'):
r = '<iframe src="' + src + '" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" style="' + style + '"'
if name is not None:
r += ' name="' + name + '"'
r += '></iframe>'
return (r)
def html_paragraph (text):
return ('\n\t<p>' + text + '</p>')
def html_list (lst):
t = '\n\t<ul>'
for line in lst:
t += '\n\t\t<li>' + line + '</li>'
t += '\n\t</ul>'
return (t)
def html_link (url, text = None, target = '_self'):
if text is None:
text = url
return ('<a href="' + url + '" target="' + target + '">' + text + '</a>')
def html_table (body, table_style = None, cell_style = None):
t = '\n\t<table' + ((' style="' + table_style + '"') if table_style is not None else '') + '>'
for line in body:
t += '\n\t\t<tr>'
for cell in line:
t += '\n\t\t\t<td' + ((' style="' + cell_style + '"') if cell_style is not None else '') + '>' + cell + '</td>'
t += '\n\t\t</tr>'
t += '\n\t</table>'
return (t)
def html_message (msg, sent, time, name, avatar = None):
r = '\n\t<div class="message'
if sent:
r += ' darker'
r += '">\n\t\t<img src="' + str (avatar) + '" alt="' + name + '"'
if sent:
r += ' class="right"'
r += 'style"width:100%;">\n\t\t<p>' + msg.replace ('\n', '<br />') + '</p>\n\t\t<spam class="time-'
if sent:
r += 'left'
r += 'right'
r += '">' + time + '</span>\n\t</div>'
return (r)
def html_form (body, url, post = True):
return ('\n\t<form action="' + url + '"' + (' method="post"' if post else '') + '>' + body + '\n\t</form>')
def html_form_text (id, value = '', textarea = False):
if textarea:
return ('\n\t<textarea name="' + id + '" rows="8" cols="100">' + value + '</textarea>')
return ('\n\t<input type="text" name="' + id + '" value="' + value + '" />')
def html_form_hidden (id, value):
return ('\n\t<input type="hidden" name="' + id + '" value="' + value + '" />')
def html_form_submit (label):
return ('\n\t<input type="submit" value="' + label + '" />')
def html_footer ():
return ('\n</body>\n</html>')
class SMS_Service (Thread):
def __init__ (self):
def __init__ (self, sms_list = None):
Thread.__init__ (self)
self.sms_list = []
if type (sms_list) == list:
self.sms_list = sms_list
self.sms_list = []
def run (self):
def build_database (self):
limit_fast_get = 1000000
limit_normal_get = 20
offset = 0
while True:
msgs = self.get_sms (limit = limit_fast_get, offset = offset)
@ -173,20 +29,27 @@ class SMS_Service (Thread):
offset += limit_fast_get
for msg in self.sms_list:
del (msg ['read'])
def update_database (self):
limit_normal_get = 20
getting_new = True
offset = 0
while getting_new:
msgs = self.get_sms (limit = limit_normal_get, offset = offset)
getting_new = False
for msg in msgs:
del (msg ['read'])
for msg in msgs:
if msg not in self.sms_list:
getting_new = True
self.sms_list.append (msg)
offset += limit_normal_get
def run (self):
self.build_database ()
while True:
sleep (5)
getting_new = True
offset = 0
while getting_new:
msgs = self.get_sms (limit = limit_normal_get, offset = offset)
getting_new = False
for msg in msgs:
del (msg ['read'])
for msg in msgs:
if msg not in self.sms_list:
getting_new = True
self.sms_list.append (msg)
offset += limit_normal_get
self.update_database ()
def get_sms (self, limit = 10, offset = 0):
while True:
@ -239,263 +102,4 @@ class SMS_Service (Thread):
number = i ['number']
if 'sender' in i:
name = i ['sender']
return (number, name, sorted (l, key = lambda item: item [0]))
def contact_list ():
p = Popen (
[contacts_list_program, ],
stdin = DEVNULL,
stdout = PIPE
return (read_json (p.communicate () [0]))
class Web_Service (BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET (self):
global locked_client
client = self.client_address [0]
if locked_client is None:
locked_client = client
print ('Locking on ' + str (client) + '')
if locked_client == client:
global sms
if self.path == '/':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Termux WebSMS') +
html_iframe ('/list', height = '100%', width = '30%', name = 'list') + html_iframe ('about:blank', height = '100%', width = '70%', name = 'thread') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path == '/up.svg':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
'<svg xmlns="" width="128" height="128">\n' +
'\t<g>\n' +
'\t\t<path\n' +
'\t\t\tstyle="fill:#000000;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.264583"\n' +
'\t\t\td="M 42,128 86,128 86,64 128,64 64,0 0,64 42,64 Z"\n' +
'\t\t/>\n' +
'\t</g>\n' +
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path == '/down.svg':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
'<svg xmlns="" width="128" height="128">\n' +
'\t<g>\n' +
'\t\t<path\n' +
'\t\t\tstyle="fill:#000000;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.264583"\n' +
'\t\t\td="M 42,0 86,0 86,64 128,64 64,128 0,64 42,64 Z"\n' +
'\t\t/>\n' +
'\t</g>\n' +
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path == '/list':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.send_header ('Refresh', '20')
self.end_headers ()
ls = sms.thread_list ()
lst = []
for i in sorted (ls, key = lambda item: ls [item] [1], reverse = True):
s = ls [i] [0] + ' (' + str (ls [i] [3]) + ')'
if len (ls [i]) == 5:
s = ls [i] [4] + ' (' + str (ls [i] [3]) + ')'
lst.append (html_link ('/?thread=' + str (i), text = s, target = 'thread'))
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Conversations list') +
html_title ('Conversation') +
html_paragraph (html_link ('/new', text = 'New conversation', target = 'thread')) +
html_paragraph (html_link ('/list', text = 'Refresh list')) +
html_paragraph ('List of conversations follows:') +
html_list (lst) +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path == '/new':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
ls = contact_list ()
lst = []
for i in sorted (ls, key = lambda item: item ['name']):
lst.append (html_link ('/new?num=' + quote (i ['number']), text = i ['name'] + ' (' + i ['number'] + ')'))
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'New conversation') +
html_title ('Create a new conversation') +
html_paragraph ('Put number here:') +
html_form (
html_form_text ('num') +
html_form_submit ('Validate'),
post = False
) +
html_paragraph ('List of contacts follows:') +
html_list (lst) +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path [0:9] == '/new?num=':
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
number = self.path [9:]
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'New conversation') +
html_paragraph (html_link ('/new', text = '← Back to new message')) +
html_title ('Create a new conversation with ' + unquote (number)) +
html_paragraph ('Message:') +
html_form (
html_form_text ('msg', textarea = True) +
html_form_hidden ('number', unquote (number)) +
html_form_submit ('Send'),
) +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path [0:9] == '/?thread=':
id = self.path [9:]
number, name, conv = sms.get_thread (id)
if number is None:
raise (IndexError)
except (ValueError, IndexError):
self.send_response (404)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Page not found') +
html_title ('Not found') +
html_paragraph ('This page does not exist. You cas return to the ' + html_link ('/', text = 'home') + '.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
return ()
if name is None:
name = number
name = name + ' (' + number + ')'
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Conversation with ' + name) +
html_title (name) +
html_form (
html_form_text ('msg', textarea = True) +
html_form_hidden ('number', number) +
html_form_submit ('Send'),
) +
html_iframe ('/messages?thread=' + str (id), height = '80%', width = '100%', name = 'messages') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
elif self.path [0:17] == '/messages?thread=':
id = self.path [17:]
number, name, conv = sms.get_thread (id)
if number is None:
raise (IndexError)
except (ValueError, IndexError):
self.send_response (404)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Page not found') +
html_title ('Not found') +
html_paragraph ('This page does not exist. You cas return to the ' + html_link ('/', text = 'home') + '.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
return ()
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
self.send_header ('Refresh', '10')
self.end_headers ()
msgs = ''
for i in sorted (conv, key = lambda item: item [0], reverse = True) [0:2000]:
msgs += html_message (i [2], not i [1], i [0], '' if i [1] else '', avatar = 'down.svg' if i [1] else 'up.svg')
if name is None:
name = number
name = name + ' (' + number + ')'
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Conversation with ' + name) +
html_link (self.path, text = 'Refresh') +
msgs +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
self.send_response (404)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Page not found') +
html_title ('Not found') +
html_paragraph ('This page does not exist. You cas return to the ' + html_link ('/', text = 'home') + '.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
self.send_response (403)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Access denied') +
html_title ('Access denied') +
html_paragraph ('Access have allready been granted to another host.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
def do_POST (self):
global locked_client
client = self.client_address [0]
if locked_client is None:
locked_client = client
print ('Locking on ' + str (client) + '')
if locked_client == client:
global sms
if self.path == '/send':
post_data = FieldStorage (fp = self.rfile, headers = self.headers, environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST'})
sms.send_sms (post_data.getvalue ('number'), post_data.getvalue ('msg'))
self.send_response (301)
self.send_header ('Location', self.headers.get ('Referer'))
self.end_headers ()
self.send_response (404)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Page not found') +
html_title ('Not found') +
html_paragraph ('This page does not exist. You cas return to the ' + html_link ('/', text = 'home') + '.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
self.send_response (403)
self.send_header ('Content-type', 'text/html')
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write ((
html_header (title = 'Access denied') +
html_title ('Access denied') +
html_paragraph ('Access have allready been granted to another host.') +
html_footer ()
).encode ('utf-8'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
sms = SMS_Service ()
server = HTTPServer (('::', 8080), Web_Service)
locked_client = None
print ('Started!')
sms.start ()
server.serve_forever ()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ('Interrupt received, closing process…')
server.server_close ()
# BUG: the program must kill itself to end or the user must send Ctrl+C several time to close
# TODO: find another way to close the program in one action, suicide is never the solution
kill (getpid (), 15)
return (number, name, sorted (l, key = lambda item: item [0]))

19 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
from json import loads as json_read, dumps as json_write
from sys import argv
from os.path import isfile
from sms import SMS_Service
output = argv [1]
if isfile (output):
database = json_read (open (output).read ())
s = SMS_Service (sms_list = database)
s.update_database ()
open (output, 'w').write (json_write (s.sorted_list ()))
s = SMS_Service ()
s.build_database ()
open (output, 'w').write (json_write (s.sorted_list ()))